Monday Meet n’ Greet

Lets get to know each other:
Share about your love of books and/or coffee/tea!
Source: Cafe Meet n’ Greet

I’m personally in the 50/50 club. I love learning new things from reading, and exploring history, culture, and human nature etc. I also love the world of imagination; exploring new worlds and ideas. It is sometimes really great when books are a combination; books with fictional characters and stories, but embedded with real culture and history.

93 thoughts on “Monday Meet n’ Greet

  1. I love a latte in the morning and any kind of herbal tea the rest of the day. For books, I prefer fiction. Fantasy/adventure stories are my fav. My guilty pleasure ‘junk food’ reads are usually paranormal romance.

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  2. I’m also a combo i.e fiction mixed with fact, but I don’t like it when the fiction changes history greatly.
    Although I did like ‘Fatherland’ by Robert Harris, which was more alternate ‘history’ than changing history.

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  3. Pingback: Monday Meet n’ Greet - 4 My Dollar

  4. I’m at 40/60 fiction to non-fiction. My daughter and I read together every night, and she’s 8 – that’s where I’m getting my fiction. She’s a natural reader, and we’ve read some really great chapter books, including “The Girl Who Could Fly” and “The Boy Who Knew Everything” most recently. We hit the library every Wednesday, and I head straight away to the New Non-Fiction shelf. 🙂 Recent faves have included “Make It Mighty Ugly,” and “The Untethered Soul.”

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  5. I enjoy fiction. I read contemporary and the classics as well as children’s books. Since I write children’s books, I guess I should read them! My favourite tea is rooibos and recently found one flavoured with bananas and caramel, very yummy and relaxing.

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  6. Pingback: My Article Read (2-22-2016) – My Daily Musing

  7. I think I read a good mix of both. Although looking at my piles at the moment there is one more fiction book in the pile than non-fiction. I love any tea, but if I had to choose, Earl Grey is my go to afternoon tea. This morning I noticed I was out of almond milk which I use in a half coffee and half hot almond milk latte. However I did have the Dark Chocolate Milk, which tastes like Yoohoo to me, so I heated it up and used half of that and half coffee. At under 100 calories it was delicious!

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  8. I’m a fiction lover. It’s hard to finish a non-fiction book. Now that I remember it, I never finished off any non-fiction books that I read. haha as for the drinks, I prefer tea while reading because its mild taste, which comforts my sense while reading. Coffee is a tad too strong for me but I love both tea and coffee. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Bonsoir ABBIE
    Je ne suis pas de tous les jours
    Mais à cet instant c’est un plaisir de te laisser un petit message
    Venant du cœur bises , Bernard

    Le temps n’est pas super bien triste chez moi
    Le ciel pleure cela ne réchauffe guère le cœur
    Il faut faire avec
    Belle soirée , Bernard

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Hola, Abbie!

    The ratio non-fiction to fiction has fluctuated over the years for me but this year I am intentionally alternating — so 50/50 for me.

    I started the year by reading fiction, however — Hard Times (mmm, can’t say it’s a keeper, but not giving up on Dickens). And, now I’m reading a non-fiction — Searching for God Knows What by Donald Miller.

    Tea and coffee. Green tea (usually just straight up varieties), chai teas, ginger teas, calming teas, and medium to dark roast coffee (switching coffee to weekends).

    Again, your blog is so much fun!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. I read a substantial amount of nonfiction, but try to find corresponding fiction books that can give me a social commentary on whatever particular era I am reading/researching.
    For coffee, I usually brew a few shots of espresso the night before and put it in the fridge for in the morning, that way I can have a frugal iced latte when I wake up and read, which is the first thing I do every morning.

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  12. I used to be 70/30 fiction/non, but now I’m almost 0/100. I love feeding my brain through language learning, history, philosophy, theology, love it. Now as for coffee…I started reading Manthano Coffee’s blog recently and picked out a new way to brew my aeropress. Instead of doing it right side up, I brew inverted, put in 75% of my hot water first, stir and let it brew for 1 minute, pour in the rest, and then press. Oh my gosh, it has changed my world. I’m brewing a Sbux french roast and literally it tastes like I drinking beautiful smoke. It’s wonderful. And at 200-205 degrees. Great stuff!!#

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  13. Right now I am maybe 70/30 in favor of fiction, but as I start to really dive into the US Presidents, it will swing the other direction (I’m on president #2 right now). I’ve been alternating my books from a variety of lists and sources, so it’s been more fiction, but if I want to read a biography of each president before I die (I do!), then I have to pick up the pace!

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  14. Non-fiction, when I get around to reading anything in print! These days there are so many ‘distractions’ to read wherever you look, like here.
    Biographies of people who pioneered fields in which I have an interest, real life accounts of adventures or life changing stories, reference books of a chosen subject matter, that sort of thing.

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  15. I love reading memoirs, so when I read fiction, I prefer stories told in first person. But there’s no denying a good book no matter the genre as long as the storytelling draws you in. My favorite teas are mint or chai, sweetened with honey.

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  16. I read more fiction than non-fiction but I enjoy biography. immensely. Just read biographies of Virginia, Woolf, Violet Trefusis, and Bertrand Russell. The thing with biography is one book leads to another. Next I am reading a biography of Ottoline Morrel because she was mentioned in all three books. But I read anything. I drink tea at home and coffee when out with friends.


  17. Fiction versus non-fiction? Both for me.

    On the fiction side, I recently finished re-reading James Joyce’s A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and reading Gabriel García Márquez’ Love in the Time of Cholera, and among several others am currently reading Daphne du Maurier’s Rebecca and Dylan’s Tarantula. On the non-fiction side, I recently finished reading volume 1 of Sir Max Aitken’s Canada in Flanders and Eben Alexander’s Proof of Heaven, and among several others am currently reading volume 2 of Canada in Flanders and the 1991 Final Nondiscrimination Regulations (‘authored’ by the IRS) and Anne Morrow Lindbergh’s Gift from the Sea. I also read reference books, which technically are non-fiction: along with several other reference books, I’m currently reading Garner’s Modern American Usage (3rd ed.) page by page, entry by entry.

    But by straight word count, on any given day I probably read as much in poetry books as I read in all other books combined.


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