One Book To Rule Them All 3

Continued from Part Two

shutterstock_253710055-largeIn a poll I posted to help us all get to know each other I asked the question:
If you could only ever read one book forever, what book would you choose?

Now many of you did say you’d rather not live, and though I’m sure many others felt torn between that option and having to chose, they did choose. I have compiled the following montage.

There can only be one, one book to rule them all!

Part THREE of Three:

 The King James Bible

The Bride Collector

by Ted Dekker


The Count of Monte Cristo

by Alexandre Dumas

I have to hoorah this one as it is an all time favorite of mine 😀


I haven’t finished writing it yet…. 😉

The Cardturners

by Louis Sachar


The complete works of Theodore Storm
Sorry this is all I could find.



by James Joyce

9424093Poems of Heinrich Heine


Shadow of the Wind

by Carlos Ruiz Zafon

This is a fantastic book, a little short though…



The Metamorphasis

by Frank Kafka




by Timothy Findley


Oryx and Crake

by Margaret Atwood



The Siege

by Helen Dunmore


I only like books WHILE I’m reading them.
Interesting response.


Marching Powder:
A True Story of Friendship, Cocaine, and South America’s Strangest Jail

by Thomas McFadden


DNA of the Gods

by Chris H. Hardy Ph.D.


Sometime a good book is just getting away from it all.


by Robin

This is another all time favorite of mine and I was impressed to see it was picked 3 times 😀

Fahrenheit 451

by Ray Bradbury

Seven Pillars of Wisdom

by T. E. Lawrence

A wise a choice 😉


The Great Gatsby 

by F. Scott Fitzgerald


by Lisa McMann

I’ve heards this is a great series, one day maybe I’ll get a chance to read it.

Bird by Bird:
Some Instructions on Writing and Life

by Anne Lamott


Well that concludes our look into the most cherished books of the
Cafe Book Bean community. It has been a lot of fun to see so many great books represented, and to learn new ones as well. We are a like-minded,
yet diverse group of book lovers, and I so enjoyed this fun project.

So… What would you choose?

One Book To Rule Them All: 2

Continued from Part One

shutterstock_253710055-largeIn a poll I posted to help us all get to know each other I asked the question:
If you could only ever read one book forever, what book would you choose?

Now many of you did say you’d rather not live, and though I’m sure many others felt torn between that option and having to chose, they did choose. I have compiled the following montage.

There can only be one, one book to rule them all!

Part TWO of Three:

Great Expectation

by Charles Dickens

Yes I did start with this one do to the Irony
Good choice though, good choice 🙂

North and South

by Elizabeth Gasket

Another great classics choice!


Lilith’s Brood

by Octavia E. Butler

I know series seem a little bit like a cheat, but I will allow them of course, plus this one is in one volume so it’s definitely not a cheat.

Randomly surprise me!
Okay here goes…

Crusoe the Celebrity Dachshund:
Adventures of the Wiener Dog Extraordinaire
by Ryan Beauchesne

I clicked highly rated, then sorted by best reviewed and this was the top book, hopefully that’s random enough hehe. Hey, I’m actually a little intrigued.


Plato: Complete 

by Plato

Well this would definitely occupy the mind!

The Catcher in the Rye

by J.D. Salinger



To Kill a Mockingbird

by Harper Lee


I’d cheat & write new ones!
A noble choice 🙂

Gone With the Wind

by Margaret Mitchell

A sweeping epic saga, such a perfect choice!

The Power is within you

by Louise Hay

Staying motivated, I like it.

E1xxFbiCYlS._SL250_FMpng_Harry Potter Series

by J.K. Rowling

Sorta cheating I know… but it’s Potter so we can’t really argue with that choice 🙂

Adventurers Wanted, Book One: Slathbog’s Gold

by M.L. Forman

Never heard of it, but I like the title! Looks good.


by Orwell

An eye opening choice 😉


Trollope Political novels omnibus or

Love in the Time of Cholera 

by Gabriel GarcÍA MÁRquez

I love this book! A great summer time read too.

Lion Country 

by Frederick Buechner

Another one I haven’t heard of, I love all these new discoveries 🙂

Infinite Jest

by David Foster Wallace

I bet a few of you guessed this one would show up aye 😉

Shantaram: A Novel

by Gregory David Roberts

This book looks enchanting I’ve added it to my tbr list

The Lux Series

by Jennifer L. Armentrout


18538444._UY200_Anything by Taylor Caldwell
So I just looked it up and chose the highest rated one, and here we have it:

Dear and Glorious Physician

by Taylor Caldwell

The Modern Bible
There are so many stories wrapped around a single story

The Bible was chosen over 10 times but this one specified modern sand told us why, so I included it again. And I chose the New International Version.

The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West

by Gregory Maguire

Fun choice! I’ve never read it but I’d like to.

The Lake of Dead Languages

by Carol Goodman

Haven’t read it, but what and intriguing title 🙂

Pilgrim’s Progress

by John Bunyan

This book has been on my tbr list for SO long, I really need to get around to it! Another great choice.

So many more amazing reads chosen, and so many interesting one as well, I love discovery what books inspire people!

What do YOU think of these choices?
Find out more on Saturday in the conclusion Pt. 3

So, what would you choose..?

Saga Saturday III

It’s another Saturday time for another great Saga

My pick for this week is:
(Click any picture of title for more info.)
“The Color Purple

This is a classic southern tale of friendship/family and hardship. I love story about sisterhood, I myself have 4, so I can relate. Alice Walker has captured a depth of character in her female protagonist, that is empowering. She is an amazing writer, and has written a very important piece of literature. “The Color Purple” won the Pulitzer Prize in 1983 (the year I was born.)

Rated: 4.4 on
Book Bean: Sweet Tea
picbbARG4.jpgThis tea is good hot too but is traditionally consumed iced.
In a large glass measuring cup, place 6 tea bags and 1/8 tsp baking soda. Pour 2 cups boiling water over the tea bags. Cover and steep for 15 minutes. Take out the tea bags and do not squeeze them. Pour the tea mixture into a 2-quart pitcher; add 1.5-2 cups sugar. Stir until the sugar is dissolved. Add in 6 cups cold water. Let cool; chill in the refrigerator and serve over ice.


Saga Saturday II

My pick for this Saturday is a favorite of mine.

Here is my Saga Saturday Selection:

(Click title or picture for more info.)

Little Women
I adore this book written by author Louisa May Alcott. It is such a great story about family, friendship, and love. The story is about the life and relationships of the four March sisters. I can especially relate, as I have 4 sisters of my own, which makes it special for me. I can identify a little bit with each of the sisters, but mostly the character of Jo. She is the main protagonist of the story, Jo is a very passionate person and writer. The story follows her and her sisters through many joys, adventures, and tragedies.

This books is so delightfully old fashioned, which is one of the things I love most about it. I know there are so many people out there who love and cherish this heartwarming book as much as I do.

orange_mocha_5Rated 4.4 on
Book Bean: Orange Mocha
I love chocolate and orange! Try adding a bit of orange extract, zest of orange, or orange syrup/liqueur to your next mocha or hot chocolate. It is simply heaven.

Little Women as many know, was also made into a movie three times, once in 1933, again in 1949 and lastly in 1994. I think the book is best, which sort of goes without saying.lwwp
However, I loved all of the movies that were made as well.


Have you read Little women,
or perhaps seen any of the movie adaptations?

Share your thoughts.

Fun Fact: Little Women was originally published in two volumes
in 1868 and 1869.

“I’d rather take coffee than compliments just now.”

Saga Saturday I

I am a major sucker for a good long saga. Some of my favorite books
are considered to be as such.

Definition of saga

  1. 1:  a story of heroic deeds
  2. 2:  a long and often complicated story
    (http://beta.merriam-webster. com/)

Here are my favorite saga’s (to date.)

(click any photo or title for more info.)

Gone With The Wind
I’m sure everyone has heard of gone with the wind. Whether you have seen it or not, have you read it? It is an awesome book! I recommend that if you like the movie and/or love saga’s that you read this book by Margaret Mitchell. It’s a novel that takes place during the civil war. The characters are ones that you cannot help but fall in love with. Gone With The Wind is truly an epic book.
Gone With The Wind Rated: 4.8 on
Bean: Scarlet Tea
White tea (or coffee) with frothed milk, 2 sugars,
and sprinkled with cinnamon.  



Far and Away

I cannot say enough about this book by Sonja Massie, I loved it so very much. It was the first book that I ever read ‘after’ I saw the movie. The movie it was based on is one of my all time favorites. The book is much deeper and more detailed. It is a great story about overcoming pride and on discovering oneself. It carries a theme about painting your own journey, which I really love. There is of course a love story, and it is a good one. It seems to be a bit under appreciated, as you will see if you follow my links, maybe I’m over biased…
Far and Away Rated: 4.3 on
Book Bean:
Old Fashioned Irish Coffee

Of course you can substitute the whiskey as I do with non-alcoholic rum flavoring (buy it where you get your vanilla.)


East of Eden
This novel takes place in Salinas Valley. Steinbeck does not disappoint with his beautifully descriptive narrative. Some people may not like his long winded picturesque intro’s, but I for one, love them. He brings you on location so you hear the wind in the trees, see each shapely cloud, and taste the very air he writes of. Who knows if it wasn’t for all of the wonderful descriptiveness, it might not even be a saga 😉
East of Eden Rated: 4.6 on


images (1)Book Bean:
Green Tea Latte

Just substitute the espresso in your normal latte machine/bialetti with condensed green tea leaves, it’s so good. If you don’t have one then well, I’m sorry.


The Thorn Birds

I may sound like a broken record now but this is such a marvelous novel. It’s hard to pick a favorite among so many fantastic books, but this one almost makes me want to. Colleen McCullough tells a beautiful story, that follows the life of a girl, through the eyes of a handsome young priest. It takes place in Australia, and has it’s share of scandal, pain, and yes love. It may sound corny, but it is a delightful novel that I will love forever.
The Thorn Birds Rated: 4.3 on


Book Bean: Ginger Peach Tea
Hot or iced, tea infused with dry peaches and ginger. If you don’t have it just add dry peaches and a dab of ginger to your infuser and use whatever tea you have.


And there are so many more I still have yet to read, and so many that I can’t wait to read.

What is your favorite saga?

Fun Fact: The mythical “Thornbird” searches for thorn trees from the day it is hatched. When it finds the perfect thorn, it impales itself, and sings the most beautiful song ever heard as it dies.

Saga Saturday IV

RebeccaI am currently reading this novel and thoroughly enjoying it.
Oddly enough I had forgotten that I already read it, when I began it. It was a bit odd because I kept feeling a sense of déjà vu, but it took me about 5 chapters to realize I had read it. I can’t quite decide how I feel about that…
On one hand I do read a lot of books, and it must have been a very long time ago, but I can’t help feeling a bit ashamed that I have read a book, and forgotten it so completely. I guess it was bound to happen eventually, after reading so much. At least now I get to read it again and experience it for a second time, I’ll look at the bright side.

Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier

“Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again.”

The unnamed narrator, a naïve young woman in her early 20s, becomes acquainted with a wealthy Englishman, Maximilian (Maxim) de Winter, a widower aged 42. After a fortnight of courtship, she agrees to marry him and, after the wedding and honeymoon, accompanies him to his mansion in Cornwall, the beautiful West Country estate Manderley.

The second Mrs. Maxim de Winter recalls the chilling events that transpired as she started a new life as the young bride of a husband she barely knew. In every corner and room of the isolated gray stone mansion were phantoms of a time dead but not forgotten.
An eerie past devotedly preserved by the sinister housekeeper, Mrs. Danvers: a suite immaculate and untouched, clothing laid out and ready to be worn, but not by any of the great house’s current occupants.
Sinyard_Rebecca_Danvers-e1361723009755A ghostly aura silhouettes her heart, as the second Mrs. de Winter walks in the shadow of her mysterious predecessor. She lives cautiously, yet compelled to uncover the darkest secrets and shattering truths about Maxim’s first wife; the late and hauntingly beautiful Rebecca.

Rated 4.4 on

And the ashes blew towards us with the salt wind from the sea”

Earl-grey-tea-latte-web-2 - Edited
Book Bean:
Pale Moon
Earl grey tea steeped dense or pulled, white chocolate swirl, steamed/frothed milk, sprinkled with nutmeg.


Have you read Rebecca, or any other such hauntingly mysterious books?