Kid’s Books I Still Love

I love a great variety of books, and I tend to love reading books as an adult that I enjoyed as a child. Also, if I hear of a “kids” book that was fantastic (e.g. The Phantom Tollbooth) I will go and read it. I have already mentioned some other favorites, like The Chronicles of Narnia and The Harry Potter series, but here are more great books written (in theory) for kids apprx. 8-13 years old.

These are timeless kids books I remember and still love.

(click any photo or title for more info.)

Charlotte’s Web
We all know the tale of the radiant pig Wilbur. The book written by E.B. White is such a great story, filled with great characters. It is an endearing book about friendship and love. The best message I took from it was that we make sacrifices for the people that we love. It teaches what friendship really consists of; not just good vibes, but the care and time we give another person.
Rated: 4.7 on
Number The Stars
This is a great book by Lois Lowry that is very educational. I read this book in I believe 3 or 4th grade, and I still have and love it. I love that by reading a book you can learn about the Holocaust at an early age. It was very well written to give just the right amount of information for the age group targeted. This book had a big impact on me. To this day I have a bit of an obsession with books (and documentaries) related to WW2 and especially the Holocaust.
Rated: 4.7 on

boxcar_lgThe Boxcar Children
The wonderful adventures of a family of orphan children who stick together, and find there way through many exciting obstacles. I love these stories written by Gertrude Chandler Warner because it puts an emphasis on the importance of family; working and taking care together. It also sets an example for resourcefulness. Of all the stories I read growing up I think I used to make believe about this one the most.
Rated: 4.8 on

Amelia Bedelia

I don’t know if anyone remembers these from back in the day, but I absolutely adore Amelia Bedelia! She is so inspiringly silly. This lovely character was created by Peggy Parish and Fritz Siebel. She has an extremely simple way of looking at the world, and it get’s her into lots of trouble (and fun.) I think part of my attachment is how much of myself I can see in her. What I love about this story is that despite her shortcomings she is loved and appreciated. The original, as well as other stories, are a hoot!
Rated: 4.8 on
The Little House Collection
These are timeless classics written by Laura Ingalls Wilder. They are books that I cherish and love. I have fond memories of my mother reading these to me. They belonged to my older sister and they were so prized. When  I was old enough to read one for the first time I felt so special. These stories make you feel like you are part of another family. They are warm and inviting, and I for one got very emotionally attached to the characters. I also grew up loving the T.V. series Little House On The Prairie.
Rated: 4.7 on
Who doesn’t know of and love this freckle faced quirky girl! This was written by Astrid Lindgren and Michael Chesworth. Pippi is so classic and lovable. You will especially like it if you can relate to her spunky fun loving attitude. This is a story that anyone can enjoy. It’s full of humor and adventure. She’s daring and has a brilliant outlook on life.
Rated: 4.6 on

Jeremy Thatcher Dragon Hatcher
This book was written by Bruce Coville and Gary A. Lippincott. I imagine no one has heard of this book (please tell me if you have!) I am including it because it is such a great little story. This book helped shape my reading style. It was one of the first chapter books I ever read, so partly I’m sharing it for sentimental reasons. This books fueled my adolescent love for books and dragons. If you like books about dragons check this one out. It is a quick read and I love it.
Rated: 4.6 on
downloadAnne of Green Gables
Another fiery red-headed beauty that steals are hearts with spunk and charm. I love Anne and her story, I wanted to be her. This story was written by the very talented L.M. Montgomery. Anne Shirley is full of passion and dreams. I have always been an overly passionate dreamer, but I never had the spit-fire guts that Anne had, to see them through. I have been more of a slowly but surely gal, I always envied her tenacity. Great books filled with poetry and excitement.
Rated: 4.7 on

A Wrinkle in Time series by Madeleine L’Engle
Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan
I have not read these 2 series but I wanted to include them because they are so well known. I am always hearing how great they are. So they are on my to-read list, and if you have read them I welcome your feedback
(just no spoilers.)
A Wrinkle in Time Rated 4.3 on and Percy Jackson Rated: 4.8.

Book Beans: (for the child at heart) 3 delicious unloaded delights;

Hot-Cocoa-Homemade-Peppermint-Marshmallows-320x320.jpgDragon’s Egg Cocoa
Marshmallows tossed with (slightly heated) crushed peppermint candy, add to dark chocolate cocoa.

IMG_9133Prairie Tea
White tea with a dash of cream and nutmeg.

11820438_1696637097223407_327198745_nFiery Steamer
Puree grenadine, dash of cinnamon, beets, and hot milk till smooth and frothy! 
For the less daring substitute beets for cherries or strawberries.

There are so many great stories, these are just a few of the books that I loved, and that inspired me as a reader.

What book/books did you love growing up and/or still love today?
Fun Fact: Lois Lowry also wrote the iconic “The Giver” another of my favorites (not included because I only just read it as an adult.)