Top 5 Fiction Favorites

I love so many books that it is hard to narrow them to a list of just 5 favorites.
So, I decided I would choose based on the  following code:
Books I find myself reading again and again, great story telling, quality literature, and emotional connection.

So without further adieu, my top 5 fiction favorites (as I see it today.)

(Click  pictures or titles for more info.)
“The Gargoyle” Andrew Davidson
This book I hold in such high regard purely by my own taste, and based on how the book spoke to me individually. It is a beautiful and haunting story yet it holds an ethereal quality. I’m sure the skill of writing and story telling could be debatable among people. However, when it comes to top books and/or favorites it is what resonates with our soul that sets a book apart.
The Gargoyle Rated: 4.3 on
Book Bean: I’d say this book is best read curled up with a velvety drink. e.g. A dark roast latte or cherry cocoa!

“The Chronicles of Narnia” C.S. Lewis
It is such an incredibly well written story. It is clever, amusing, and wonderfully ageless. This series leaves nothing to be desired. C.S. Lewis is brilliant. He makes you feel like you are reading the story of an old beloved friend. It is a witty and imaginative classic that I will love and share forever.
The Chronicles of Narnia Rated: 4.7 on
Book Bean: Tea time for sure! These books scream window seat with a cup of chamomile.

“The Hobbit”
  J.R.R. Tolkien

This is also an extremely well written story. I don’t think Tolkien was quite as clever or ageless with it, but he has his own brilliance in creative story telling. The amount of depth and detail Tolkien pours into his characters and story is stunning. It is truly an epic tale that envelopes you and holds you tightly through the journey.
The Hobbit Rated: 4.7 on
Book Bean: This handsome book pairs nicely with a citrusy blend, maybe an orange spiced mocha mmm….

Even if you did not like either of the last two books, no one could deny their quality and that’s saying something!

“Pride and Prejudice”
Jane Austin
It is written with such a timeless essence. It is elegant and fresh, and it has roots that will never go out of style. I don’t have many words for it because it is such a simplistic book, it’s story is not complicated or intricate, and it is wonderful.
Pride and Prejudice Rated: 4.6 on
Book Bean: Tea again, this time green tea or a chai latte.



Last but not least and for a different spin is

love youforever2“Love You Forever” Robert N. Munsch.
This children’s book is beautiful and warm and leaves you floating. I don’t know what else to say about it specifically other than “read it and see.” When you finish this book you’ll squeeze it to your chest with glistening eyes.
Love You Forever Rated: 4.5 on
Book Bean: This lovely gem goes well with a simple brewed house coffee.
So there they are, you can probably tell I like a good saga. I’ll have to do a top ten because it was really hard to not mention more!

Fun Facts: According to Vladimir Nabokov, Shakespeare’s The Tempest was science fiction.

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I would like to get this one myself 🙂