Noteworthy Non-Fiction

I love reading great non-fiction books. I enjoy reading about historical events and people. I love memoirs and biographies of interesting and diverse characters. I also will read an occasional self-help book, if it’s applicable and not too overly cliche.

Here are some great noteworthy non-fiction books:

(Click any photo or title for more info.)

Diary of a Young Girl

If you haven’t already read this book I highly recommend it. This girl wrote so well in her journal, and told her story so exceptionally. – semi-spoiler alert! – For her to be able to tell her story in the midst of such hardship and have it survive in her place, is beautiful. It’s a bit haunting knowing that she wrote this leading up to what was likely a very horrendous end. I felt a bit of a knot in my core that was hard to shake. I tend to get very attached to the lives and stories of protagonist in books, and
it’s always very difficult when bad
things happen. The eeriness with this book was that I couldn’t tell myself
(it’s just a book.)

Rated: 4.6 on
Book Bean: 
Simple Tea
You may not feel like spoiling yourself with anything decadent while reading about such hardship.

The Funny Thing Is

On a much lighter note there is this delightful book about the real life happenings of one Ellen Degeneres. Now, I am a fan of Ellen’s, I love the style of her humor and wit. So I am quiet a bit biased going into this little mini review. This book is a breath of fresh air. It is pure Ellen genius, and I sped right through it. At the end I was sad it was over, the light-hearted gentle humor was such an endorphin rush. I don’t know if other people will feel as I did reading it,
but I sure hope so. 🙂

Rated: a shocking 3.9 on

Book Bean: Alppuchino
I know I’m not Ellen, I need to drink more Iced Green Tea.

Empire of The Summer Moon

This is a fantastic book. I purchased it because it was inviting and looked really interesting. It is about chief Quanah Parker and the rise and fall of the Comanche tribe. Being of Native American heritage myself, I am drawn to historical books such as this. What I love about this book is that it reads like a novel. The story is so engrossing and interesting. It was well written, informative, and entertaining as well. If you are interested in Native American Culture and/or History (or even if you’re not) this is a must read.
Rated: 4.5 on amazon.comHazelnutMochaTrailMixCup_thumb1

Book Bean:
Trail Mix Mocha Latte
Espresso with steamed milk, flavored with chocolate, almond extract, and cherry. Keep it natural for a better more earthy flavor.
Man’s Search For Meaning
 I know, another book about the Holocaust, but it is such an exceptional book. This particular book is written by Victor Frankl an Austrian Neurologist and Psychologist. He writes about the events that took place from a different point of view than other books I’ve read, which I really liked. He would break down the why’s and woes of each person’s action/reaction, and I  found that fascinating. This book is part Holocaust experience story, part “what I’ve discovered because of it.” It’s like getting a mini-documentary and a self-help book all in one.

Rated: 4.7 on
Book Bean: Plain Brewed Coffee

Again you won’t feel like indulging while reading this painful memoir.

Love, Lucy
And to end with another light-hearted note. Lucile Ball, the comic legend and genius. This autobiography was discovered randomly after her death. Again I am probably a bit biased here, because I ADORE Lucy. I Love Lucy was iconic. I grew up watching it, and to this day it is my favorite! Lucille ball and Ricky Ricardo are a match made in heaven (on screen at least.) I love the behind the scene detail, and the great pictures that accompany this book. I am so happy that this gem was discovered so that we could enjoy her legacy.

Rated: 4.8 on
Book Bean:
But seeing as it’s so hard to find, how about a mouthful of
Truffle Cocoa, to get in the Lucy spirit 🙂


I know there are so many other lovely books that I’m leaving out. Books that I just haven’t read yet, or wasn’t thinking of. However, these are the ones that stood out to me. 🙂

What non-fictions book/s stand out to you?

26 thoughts on “Noteworthy Non-Fiction

  1. Fantastic list!! And Man’s Search for Meaning is one of my favourite books of all time- like you said it’s exceptional and I agree that it’s part self-help, part documentary. and of course Anne Frank’s diary is a hard book to forget. I’m really interested in reading Empire as well!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I read a lot of non-fiction books. Here are some of my favorites. “In the Garden of Beasts” about the American ambassador in Berlin during the rise of Hitler. “Dead Wake” about the sinking of the Lusitania. Both books are by Erik Larson. “From Eros to Gaia” about science by Freeman Dyson. “The Hinges of History” series by Thomas Cahill.

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  3. Pingback: Noteworthy Non-Fiction – worldtraveller70

  4. I enjoyed The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. It’s one I would suggest for your reading, if you like to learn about African-American history, advancements in science, or just the individual lives of ordinary people who became extraordinary. I’m definitely going to try the Quanah Parker book and probably the Ellen book.

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  5. I read Diary of a Young Girl probably ten years ago or more when one of my daughters read it for school. As I recall, this daughter was about the same age as Anne Frank during her journal, so that was added impact.

    One of my recent reads was “In the Heart of the Sea”, the horrific sinking of The Essex” that inspired Moby Dick. It is a real page turner, and a true story.

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  6. I only read Victor Frankl, on the recommendation of a Jewish shrink friend of mine. It is a good book. But some flaws, but I don’t think one can easily write about the Holocaust. That and many things point so much to the absence of meaning and Camus’ absurd, that it leaves little space for hope. (Sorry, I may have got carried away. Borges has written about that sensation too of absolute sadness, and meaninglessness. Let us say that I ma now seeing a bright blue Mexico sky with white clouds. Beauty. No solace)
    Never mind. Have a lovely evening Abbie Lu. I hope your summer is going well.

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