Saga Saturday I

I am a major sucker for a good long saga. Some of my favorite books
are considered to be as such.

Definition of saga

  1. 1:  a story of heroic deeds
  2. 2:  a long and often complicated story
    (http://beta.merriam-webster. com/)

Here are my favorite saga’s (to date.)

(click any photo or title for more info.)

Gone With The Wind
I’m sure everyone has heard of gone with the wind. Whether you have seen it or not, have you read it? It is an awesome book! I recommend that if you like the movie and/or love saga’s that you read this book by Margaret Mitchell. It’s a novel that takes place during the civil war. The characters are ones that you cannot help but fall in love with. Gone With The Wind is truly an epic book.
Gone With The Wind Rated: 4.8 on
Bean: Scarlet Tea
White tea (or coffee) with frothed milk, 2 sugars,
and sprinkled with cinnamon.  



Far and Away

I cannot say enough about this book by Sonja Massie, I loved it so very much. It was the first book that I ever read ‘after’ I saw the movie. The movie it was based on is one of my all time favorites. The book is much deeper and more detailed. It is a great story about overcoming pride and on discovering oneself. It carries a theme about painting your own journey, which I really love. There is of course a love story, and it is a good one. It seems to be a bit under appreciated, as you will see if you follow my links, maybe I’m over biased…
Far and Away Rated: 4.3 on
Book Bean:
Old Fashioned Irish Coffee

Of course you can substitute the whiskey as I do with non-alcoholic rum flavoring (buy it where you get your vanilla.)


East of Eden
This novel takes place in Salinas Valley. Steinbeck does not disappoint with his beautifully descriptive narrative. Some people may not like his long winded picturesque intro’s, but I for one, love them. He brings you on location so you hear the wind in the trees, see each shapely cloud, and taste the very air he writes of. Who knows if it wasn’t for all of the wonderful descriptiveness, it might not even be a saga 😉
East of Eden Rated: 4.6 on


images (1)Book Bean:
Green Tea Latte

Just substitute the espresso in your normal latte machine/bialetti with condensed green tea leaves, it’s so good. If you don’t have one then well, I’m sorry.


The Thorn Birds

I may sound like a broken record now but this is such a marvelous novel. It’s hard to pick a favorite among so many fantastic books, but this one almost makes me want to. Colleen McCullough tells a beautiful story, that follows the life of a girl, through the eyes of a handsome young priest. It takes place in Australia, and has it’s share of scandal, pain, and yes love. It may sound corny, but it is a delightful novel that I will love forever.
The Thorn Birds Rated: 4.3 on


Book Bean: Ginger Peach Tea
Hot or iced, tea infused with dry peaches and ginger. If you don’t have it just add dry peaches and a dab of ginger to your infuser and use whatever tea you have.


And there are so many more I still have yet to read, and so many that I can’t wait to read.

What is your favorite saga?

Fun Fact: The mythical “Thornbird” searches for thorn trees from the day it is hatched. When it finds the perfect thorn, it impales itself, and sings the most beautiful song ever heard as it dies.

40 thoughts on “Saga Saturday I

  1. You picked all my favourites. These are books that stick with you forever. I read Gone With The Wind in my early teens, couldn’t put it down. The other one I would add is Doctor Zhivago by Boris Pasternak. The Russian writers are great at sagas.

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  2. Pingback: My Article Read (4-2-2016) – My Daily Musing

  3. Great choices, and a reminder of some I need to read, especially East of Eden because I love Steinbeck and The Grapes of Wrath is one of my favorite books. Loved Gone With the Wind – one of my all-time favorites. I saw the movie, Far and Away, but never read the book. I read War and Peace in college. It took us an entire semester to read and study it. I was a young and silly girl at the time and I’m not sure I could have gotten through it on my own!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I love Gone with the Wind. I’ve read it many times. Other sagas I love are Lonesome Dove, North and South trilogy (John Jakes), and the Outlander series (Diana Gabaldon). There are more, but I can’t think of them right now… but the longer the book, the better I like it!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I loved “Far and Away” too! Also add “A tale of 2 Cities”, ” Little Women” and ” Vanished” by Becky H. This is the story of Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman.” ( from the TV show of the same name). It is on Amazon.

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