Mid-week Meet n’ Greet

Lets get to know each other:
Share about your love of books and/or coffee/tea!
Source: Cafe Meet n’ Greet


I personally like all of them for different reasons. I prefer to use paperbacks for everyday reading, but I like to get a copy of my favorite books in the hardback. Sometimes it just depends on the book, in the bookstore one or the other will speak to me, I would say I’m 70/30 (paperback/hardback) roughly.  I will say one of my many quirks is that if I start a series with a hard/paperback, I have to finish them all the same! As far as e-books, they are convenient now and then, but I don’t think I will ever fully convert. I think that audiobooks are great for car-rides!

129 thoughts on “Mid-week Meet n’ Greet

    • I am the same way. I personally love both hardback and paperback books. Paperbacks are good for every day use, but with a book I really love, I like to have the hardback version. Also, e-books do come in handy from time to time, but I’ll never convert fully.

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  1. Reblogged this on Mysticalwriter and commented:
    Come on over to cafe book bean, have a cup of jo, or a noontime tea, pull up a chair & sit a spell browsing the books or chat with a new neighbor or even old friend.


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  2. I prefer paper books, i get more engaged that way. Paired with coffee or Tea – I am happy with either. Love that there are other BookNerds in here 🙂

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  3. I love the touch of a book, the tactile reminders of the glorious stories and wonderful imaginations I’ve enjoyed over the years. I love to walk the rows in a library searching, hoping for the next idea around the corner, the next bit of wisdom to be taken through the eyes of the greatest of story tellers.

    Kafka’s Metamorphosis, Steinbeck’s Grapes of Wrath, or Hemingway’s for whom the bell tolls. A book locks your in position, pulls you into its pages, helps you to hold at bay the raging technology which dings, whistle’s, interrupts, locking away our attention spans to that of which we outgrew at the age of two.

    I love the kindles, the smart phones to which access to the outside world is held in brief, to the quickness of the information I need, yet the white noise of the Wikipedia’s, the ocean of information lost to the errors of unchecked facts, that buries us in virtual communities seeking truths that once were so easily know.

    Yes a book can be heavy to the unwary, voluminous to those looking for a flash read to mediocrity, we can’t fold it away in our pockets, we have to exchange it for another when we’ve reached “the end,” yet like the concepts of Chinese Tea ceremonies, the pomp and circumstance of a parade, going to an open air concert, or walking the museums of the world, the Mona Lisa, so sublime, reading Catcher in the Rye, or the pains of Scout in “To kill a Mocking Bird,” ….

    Yes the physical world is so glorious inconvenient to the nature of what needs and desires the balanced mind needs. To rest to think, to take a step back……

    Have a nice night I’m going to go find a nice book to read….

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  4. I seem to destroy paperbacks–the corners are curled by the time I’m done. I like how I am identified as a reader by carrying a book around, and I’m afraid an E-reader would look like just another gadget.

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  5. I have found I love my Kindle App and actually have a Kindle Fire on order. I do have paper/hardback books, but I tend to read the ones on my Kindle more because I can read in the dark after my girls are asleep, or when I can’t sleep at night and I don’t have to leave the room. Plus with my Kindle I can take it anywhere and have my books. 🙂

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    • That is a great way to use the kindle! I like listening to audiobooks when I go for walks. I used to bring paperbacks on the treadmill, but it’s a bit difficult, I’m going to use the kindle next time 🙂


  6. Abbie Lu, I am really looking forward to reading more from you!

    Because I have shuffled around so much, I tend to go with paperbacks (paperback to hardcover ratio, 90/10). Also, I am one of those readers who has at least one book on me or in the car at all times — paperbacks are much lighter.

    This is likely to upset book collectors, but hardcover jackets annoy the crap out of me. I always take them off and throw them out. I think it’s because they make me feel like I have to make sure they aren’t damaged or like they’ll eventually shed like snake skin or something. Haha.

    I do not read as frequently as I have in the past, however (jackets might suffer less damage now). But, this year I want to read at least one book per month, passing it along upon completion– unless I absolutely love it!

    I love percolated coffee or non-fruity (could be juice) teas, but I am switching to mostly tea during the week.

    This is fun 🙂

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  7. Pingback: Mid-week Meet n’ Greet - 4 My Dollar

  8. I agree with you. All of them are great. Most of the books I own are paperbacks except the favorites, those are hardback. But I do love my Kindle Paperwhite, it’s very convenient. and Audio books are excellent if you want to read on-the-go.

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  9. Hardbacks tend to be prettier and for my favourite books I try to get them, but paperbacks are definitely easier to read (especially in bed or on the move). I do have a kindle for when I travel but it just isn’t the same reading experience, although it is certainly useful for taking lots of books with me. I adore my Harry Potter audiobooks but I think that’s just because of Stephen Fry’s mesmerising voice; I tend to prefer putting my own inflections on the words I’m reading 🙂

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  10. Like so much in life…it depends:
    1) Hardback for reference books I use for historical research and will go back to (Civil War, Revolutionary War) and books I know I will keep (classics or authors I love.)
    2) Audibooks for road trips and everyday commuting – books that have an engaging story with a good narrator. I like memoirs, travel essays and fiction.
    3) e-books for airplane travel and when I can’t bring heavy books – these are usually mysteries that are quick to get into and finish
    4) Paperbacks for everything else

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  11. For favourite authors, I like hardbacks. They stand up to many rereadings better and I don’t worry quite so much when I’m lending them out – they tend to come back to me in better shape than a paperback. I do remove and save the jacket when they go out on loan, just in case of damage, but I always keep the jacket with the book when it’s at home.

    If I’m less sure that I’ll want to reread, then I’ll go paperback. And I get a lot of secondhand books in paperback, too.

    Even though I prefer a physical book when I’m at home, I also love my Kindle. I’m one of those “must have a book with me at all times” people, and it’s much easier to shove a Kindle in my handbag than a thick chunkster book. And my Kindle saves me so much luggage space when I’m travelling – half my suitcase used to be filled with books (and I’d still run out before the end of a trip), but now I can just shove my Kindle in my hand luggage and I’m good to go.

    Ebooks are also great for novellas and novelettes, which get lost on bookshelves because they’re so thin. Some publishers are doing amazing work in shorter fiction principally because ebooks makes distribution easier.

    What I’d really love is to be able to buy hardback/ebook bundles more easily, so that I don’t have to choose between the keep at home version and the travel version!

    So it all depends on the book and the circumstance for me!

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  12. I like paperback but have my favorites in hardback. I don’t prefer an e-reader but have been using one just to save space.

    While I love coffee, over the last few years it’s began to make me sick at my stomach. So I am now a green tea drinker.

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  13. I love all three as well! I have some really beautiful hardbacks which are great to read at home but really heavy to carry around. I love paperbacks for that and for how easy they are to lend out. I’m steadily using my Kindle more and more too – that’s the best for carryng hundreds of books at once and also instantly having access to a new book when you just have to read it right now but it’s already 1am and the bookstore is closed.

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  14. Thanks for the follow Abbie Lu! So let’s talk coffee…if I could only discuss one coffee in this beautiful world, I’m going with Arabian mocha sanani from Yemen 🙂 oh my gosh, it is so good. It is a touch pricy, especially given the Houthi rebellion and proxy war between the Saudis and Iranians there…I paid $25/lb for it through Peets. But the flavors…so worth it. Flavorful notes like chocolate, spices and wine, it knocks the morning cup of coffee out of the park. And the afternoon cup. And evening cup 😉 Intersting fact…this coffee was first exported to Europe in the 15th century and it was this coffee’s strong chocolaty notes from which we derive mocha as having a chocolaty connotation. I recommend french press. I haven’t used my aeropress on it yet, but that is an area of future research!

    Tea? Earl grey, hot, as Jean Luc Picard said. Sometimes hit it with a splash of milk to tone it’s temper down. It’s great for the mid-afternoon, when I’ve had one cup of coffee too many, but still need that ‘something’ to sip on while reading.

    What are your favorites?!

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    • That coffee sounds simply divine! I am not as cultured as I’d like to be when it comes to trying many fresh authentic coffees from around the world , but I’ve been on the path to remedy that. I usually buy local Stumptown coffee. My favorite from them is called “Hair Bender”, it’s flavor is chocolatey with cherry undertones. I prefer nutty chocolatey flavors with hints if spice, which is why I must try that Mocha Sanani 🙂 I also enjoy a variety of tea, its nice to mix it up. Thank you so much for sharing!

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      • Everyone who I know that has had Stumptown just raves over how amazing it is! I’ll definitely have to try it out soon! Ill go for the hair bender too! Yes check out the Sanani, I bet you will enjoy it! My all time fave ever was a coffee from Kenya called Kirynyaga. The beans were cultivated in volcanic soil on the side of a mountain. It had this taste reminiscent of ash. And it worked! The best way to describe it was – tasting notes of fireplace. Lol! But it was seriously the best coffee I have ever had in my life. That was back in 2006 and I still haven’t found anything even close to it. Mocha Sanani is just a different breed and is almost an great in my opinion, but if I could find that coffee again, I would literally literally pay hundreds of dollars for large sacks of it and store it in my pantry. Question: have you ever roasted your own beans?

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      • Wow that sounds really interesting. In coffee (as in chocolate) bizarre things like that are always fun to try, and a lot of times are surprisingly good. I haven’t roasted my own beans, but the idea has bounced around in the back of my head.

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    • Joel, you need to write advertisements for a coffee company…I haven’t heard anything described so well since I went to wine country. I need to get online and order a pound of that coffee!

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  15. Reblogged this on John's Notes and commented:
    We each seem to have our own preference for reading. I used to buy mostly paper backs, but have a small collection of hard backs. I would have preferred all hard backs but the cost and space they take up is prohibitive.

    When I got my first iPad in 2010 I began reading on it. I have used all three reading Apps – iBook, Kindle and Nook, though I prefer the Kindle. Since then I have almost exclusively read eBooks.

    I read a paperback a year or so ago as I had just received a new eBook for review and found that I had the predecessor to it on paper back. I found going back to the small print was a real challenge. I also found having to hold the book open and having to use a reading light at night were both inconveniences as well.

    That said, I saw a few weeks ago that paper book sales has been on a slight increase over the past year or two. I guess that paper books will be with us for years ahead, and that is a good thing.

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  16. Reblogged this on philobiblia and commented:
    A book I authored in 1991 about pension plan nondiscrimination was published both hardbound and paperback, and 25 years later I can still be found thumbing through my own super-well-worn highly margin-noted copy. But separately for my own colleagues, I published a private electronic version of that same book, and we found that the ability to quickly hypertext-link through complex legal references within the book, link to relevant external sources, provide capabilities for much more complex electronic marking and margin noting than paper permits, collaborating on sharing such notes, and numerous other things made reliance on the electronic version of the book extremely useful.

    Ever since, I have felt comfortable using electronic versions of just about any kind of book I like – be it poetry, history, biography, fiction, reference books, whatever. I continue to very actively collect and read paper copies of any book I can get my hands on; yet even for any book that I have in paper form, I often pursue adding an electronic version to my files. Most of the margin notes and highlighting and links and other extras I now do are made in those electronic versions of my books, often pointing me to a specific page in the paper version; so more often than not, I can be found reading one of my books in both formats at the same time, both paper and electronic.

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  17. I prefer hardbacks just because they tend to last longer and are less likely to get damaged but I’ll buy whichever way the book I want comes in haha! I used to read a lot on my Kindle when I lived in Prague, but I just prefer having a real book in my hand and on my shelves.
    As for coffee or tea, tea all of the way! Nothing beats a nice hot glass of Irish Breakfast tea. Though some would think I’m a tad weird because I prefer my tea strong with no milk or cream, just a teaspoon of sugar. 🙂

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  18. Audiobooks are actually my first preference….when there’s a good narrator. That makes ALL the difference. And, admittedly, I’m SUPER picky about it. I wish I wasn’t, because I do like the format the most. That said, paperbacks are a close second.

    Hardcover books are like talismans to me; I don’t leave them completely untouched, ever, but I tend to prefer to demolish the paperback version with re-reads and margin notes. Case in point: I just read Sara Bareilles’ book, ‘Sounds Like Me’ in the hardcover edition because it was all that was out and I really, really wanted to read it ASAP, but I’m hoping to get the paperback when it comes out so I re-read it again and again, but keep the hardback nice. ^_^

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  19. I also fall into the “all of the above” category: different formats for different circumstances. My first love is still a printed book, but I love my iPad with Kindle app for traveling and audiobooks for exercising, doing household chores, or driving long distances.

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  20. Voted for hardback but I don’t “discriminate” between hardback and paperback.
    I used to avoid e-books as much as I could because I spend more than enough time staring at a laptop monitor during the day (job + blogging + movies/TV shows), and as I used to be short-sighted until two years ago, I tried to protect my eyes and at least read the traditional way. But these days I’m starting to think I really need a tablet or an electronic reader – it’s convenient, you can’t deny it. Plus, the technology developed, so it’s not that bad for the eyes now.

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  21. I love this…learning all about lots of readers! I like a good book…if I can find it in paperback, clean and not too used or even new, then I am fine with those. If the book is current and I just have to read it NOW…than I am willing to buy a hardback or find it in the library. I like the way they open up and stay open versus the paperbacks. I read e-books from time to time, especially when I get one for 99 cents and it is a great book, just on special!
    I love to read so any way I can get those books and at a decent price, I will take it. Thanks for asking.

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  22. I tend to borrow lots of ebooks from the library. But I have a healthy mix of hardcover and paperback on my shelves. I’m the same way about series – they all have to be the same format (and size!) or I’ll go crazy! 🙂

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  23. I’ve never tried audio books. Yes agree, with the availability of e books it’s more easy to read but still the soft and good texture paper can’t compete with boring technology that strains eyes too much. Lovely post 🙂

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  24. My tendency is more toward nonfiction, memoir, and biographical. However, I peruse the bookstores and look at Goodreads and Book Browse to help me determine whether I want to read other genres. I have always liked holding a book, carrying one with me to grasp any moment I have to read, and then watching others who are trying to lean my way to see what I am reading. That could jumpstart a conversation.
    Sadly, I have rheumatoid arthritis and an autoimmune disease. Holding a book and turning the pages have now become very difficult for me, so most of my reading is done on a Kindle Fire, which I take everywhere with me.
    Thanks for the post.

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  25. Paperback is my preferred choice. But I’m like you, if it’s a book I really love, I want it in hardback! And I also need all of the books in a series to be the same. I have never actually ready an E-book! it just doesn’t have the same feeling to it and I’d much rather hold a book in my hands.

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